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What happens if my child is away due to illness or other family commitments? 

Fees are charged for the placement at Preschool, which is exclusive to your child. So, if your child is away during their scheduled attendance day/s, you will still be charged fees for the day/s. 

Can I swap days?

You cannot swap days. You can book in an extra day for your child for any given day, pending placement availability.

Do I pay fees during the School Term Holidays and Public Holidays?

No. Our Preschool doesn't charge fees during our 'closure' times. 

In regards to Immunisation. What happens if I am a conscientious objector?

Are unimmunised children able to enrol in child care?

The only unimmunised children who can be enrolled in child care after 1 January 2018 are those who are on a recognised catch-up schedule (provided that the appropriate documentation has been provided), or those who are unimmunised due to medical reasons as described at section 2.1.4 of the Australian Immunisation Handbook 10th ed​​ ( appropriate documentation must be provided).

Children who are unimmunised for a disease may be asked to stay at home if there is an outbreak of that vaccine preventable disease in a child care centre.​  (


How much notice do I need to give to cancel enrolment? And what happens to my Bond?

Two weeks' notice must be given by completing an Enrolment Withdrawal form at the office. If your fee payments are up-to-date to your child's last day then the Bond is refunded to you in full. In case there are outstanding fees on your account, the Bond is allocated to the fees and any remaining credit is refunded to you. Any outstanding amount is invoiced to you for payment. 

When do fees need to be paid? 

All fees are to be paid in full and maintained fully paid two weeks' in advance. In this way the week your child is attending Preschool is already paid for and you have ample time to make another payment on your invoice.  

Is there anything else I need to be aware of ?

Nambucca  Preschool reserves the right to refuse attendance in case:

  • Enrolment Form & relevant documents are not received - Immunisation History Statement (compulsory), pension/health care card (where applicable)

  • Fees for the attendance day/s are not paid

  • Child is sick

  • No placement is available on the day

  • Breach of preschool policy/s

  • Breach of preschool's code of conduct

I have two children of an eligible age - can they both attend?

As long as there is availability on the specified day(s) and all other requirements have been met, yes they are both welcome to attend. 

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