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A genuine sense of community adds to a positive educational experience at Nambucca Preschool . Teaching our children that they belong to both a local and global community, outside of their family home, is an important part of our program.


Parents are important to our community and integral to the operation of our preschool. We value reciprocal relationships and shared decision making between our families and team.


Parents of our children make up our volunteer management committee at Nambucca Preschool. Like all parents, they want the best for their children, dedicating their time to making our preschool welcoming, caring, stimulating and nurturing.


We warmly welcome all parents to share and collaborate with us, at all levels, to deepen our understanding of their child and his/her emotional and developmental needs, provide honest feedback on the preschool and its programs and operation, and volunteer their time and skills to work with our children and enhance the environment of our Preschool.


We do this by welcoming our parents to:

  • Visit the centre and joining in

  • Read our noticeboards and newsletters

  • Collect materials and bringing them in for children to use in craft activities

  • Share hobbies, interests or expertise with staff and children

  • Help us to maintain our preschool by volunteering at working bees

  • Donate pre-used clothing for our spare clothes supply

  • Talk to us regularly about their child’s needs and progress

  • Join the management committee or its supporting team.

Community involvement

Teaching our children about the beauty and value of the local community creates a sense of belonging and interest in the world around them, and helps them feel part of the Nambucca Valley community.


We encourage our children’s community involvement in a variety of ways.

Local Excursions

We teach our children to get involved in the Nambucca Valley Community and enjoy its services by arranging excursions to the library and local parks. Close supervision is provided, as children wear our Nambucca  Preschool  Vests when they’re out, enabling us to easily identify them, and giving them a sense of belonging to our preschool.


Of course, it’s always fun and educational because we find something to teach them about along the way, whether it’s how to safely cross at pedestrian crossings or lights, how to look after their friends, and how to use their manners when they arrive.

Call us on (02) 6568 6845 to find out how you can become a member of our warm and welcoming community. Or drop in and see for yourself.

We’d love to meet you.


Let your child play,

learn and grow with us:  

Ph: (02) 6568 6845


© 2024 Nambucca Heads Preschool Playcentre.

  Visit our Centre

Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:00pm (3-5 years)

Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm (2 year olds only)

 24 Bank Street

PO Box 14 

Nambucca Heads

NSW  2448

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